Dominic is the patron saint of choir boys and of the falsely accused.
This latter title was given to him due to the following incident. One time, two boys filled the school stove with snow and garbage during the cold winter months. When the teacher came back into the room, they falsely accused Dominic of doing the "dirty" deed. Although disciplined in front of the entire class, Dominic refused to tell on the two mischievous boys. When the truth was later revealed, Dominic was asked why he didn't confess to his innocence. He remarked that he was imitating Our Lord, Who remained silent during His persecutions and crucifixion.
Wrongfully accused, almost all of us are sinners, not because we commit a mortal sin, we are sinners because we judge and condemn our neighbors, and the sad part is when we take the role of God as our reason for giving penalties. I've been judging truth since birth -haha- and I always fail not to condemn, these makes me more humble later on when I realize that my actions create notorious chaos rather than peace.
Four years ago I meant a priest a friend of my parents, we had a small party at our apartment in Intramuros. He asked me about my plans in Life? I said I want to be like St. Augustine at night and St. Francis of Assisi at day. He laughed and said your being clever will hunt you later on. I answered back, Fr. is there a time limit for conscience, do I need to confess a forgotten sin because of poor memory? he laugh. In conclusion, I suggest to my fellow sinners to remember how God forgotten our sins, even to that extent we still crucified his only son. The cleverness of humanity to prevail with logic makes the whole system very boring. Therefore, I will judge less and pretend to be innocent -hehe-
"Don't judge the book by it's cover, just burn it if you hate the author." Haha...
"What makes me happy is when I feel, that I am blessed with less calamities and showered with state of grace."
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