On a grey afternoon, after a long day of trying to be one with my inner noise. I happened to pass by a bridge at the lake wherein I saw a group of colored birds parked on the ground; the colors are mostly dark ones with an exception of some ducks and high flying birds. Me and my cousin's dog had to stop and at least fantasize that were somewhere less occupied with rationality and more infused with the silent creativity that diplomacy has keep for purposes beyond self-preservation but rather sustainable peace.
Seeing those black doves and other animals, reminded me of how the diversity of opinion or perception can create amazing or less challenging realities of nature, as pondered by few and amazed by many. As I continue my jogging, while listening to a new artist, I suddenly felt alone literally. Then on my lowest stage of happiness; I felt relieved seeing people running after me like a rainbow set of safari characters. Then I got back on my-self back like my soul has passed by my eyes and refreshed me back to a more solid ground.
I wish I can be more of the person, of less pretensions comparably to the Birds of varied species that just flies beyond the judgement and color the world had defined it; like an unjust oppression that once untouched by science, sold by commerce, yet protected by the increasing state tax for the Zoo. I wonder how can Mother Natures natural gift of pure beauty be of less consumption and more of a respected high art? I eat meat and it's not about that, it's about my continuing pondering of how the food chain must be re-evaluated.
May some attempts to kill innocent wild animals be simply a dream of a bouncing mirror. Hoping that world will be take-care of the high-art only a few had tired to keep in proper perspective. A wonderful chilled night here at the Bay Area, I hope on the green side they do well too.
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