Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Godess of Love is Loveless

My Valentines day was not only sad but full endless and redundant realizations. And to make make it easy for desperate people -loveless- to read my thoughts I created my ten commandments of being in love with love without someone to molest.

1. Love is blind! (who cares!)
2. Love is colorless, hence color-blind people are loveless.
3. Love is unconditional, and I believe Pre-nuptial Agreements shall be illegal.
4. Love is the key to happiness, that is why married people covet.
5. Love is uneducated and stupid, that is why the population rate of our country is High.
6. Love is like a flower, humm... I don't eat meat. Hahahaha...
7. Love is powerful, bullshit! Only in first world countries wherein electricity rates are low.
8. Love is truly good for the heart, that is why I don't eat roast pig. Hahaha...
9. Love is God, I am the son of God so Praise me. Hahahaha...
10. Love is eternal, that is why I am jaded.

These thoughts made me believe that in all things love exist, the sad part is when we define love as something quantifiable in temporal terms that we fail to see the real essence of it. Happy Valentines and Welcome to my Blog.


Pegasus Hahaha....

1 comment:

  1. A very sarcastic way to look at it...but oh yeah, I agree with everything!
