1. Don't lie if you can't get away with it, because love is comparable to a white lie.
2. Love animals especially Apes, just don't forget to use condom before the big fight.
3. Be presentable before you go for a date, just don't forget to jerk-off so you won't be tensed.
4. Love nature, public nudity is okay, just don't forget to bring a mosquito repellant.
5. Read the Newspaper before a date, so you can forecast your ejaculation.
6. Don't let your insecurities undermine your charms, let the enormity of your genitals speak for it self.
7. Be inquisitive let your inner child play, morning masturbation is healthy. (Caution: Applicable for men and animals)
8. Be the first to know, let the world be your playground, just don't forget to bring your magic broom, it's a good substitute for a Dildo.
9. Let Peace is reign, so that we can be free, and proliferate like rats and live forever eating corn-flakes.
10. Love unconditionally, just don't forget to be smart in choosing a partner.
The nature of love is deceitful, its like an insecure bitch/witch tempting possible clients. However, if all is said and done and life becomes perfect, I think it will be boring if we just fuck and fuck without emotions. So lets love one another and look at the better side of life even with uncertainty, for life without love is like life with out meaning.
Follow the rules and you will live like me, a spotless yet heartless pig. (Haha...)
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