Friday, February 20, 2009

The worst Film Director on planet is a cross-dresser?

After seeing the film Ed Wood by Tim Burton, I have realize how ignorant yet proud I am of my film background. -False Humility- Anyway, The film is about the failed dream of Ed Wood in Hollywood, during the time were in motion pictures was considered by most Americans as their highest form of art or self-acclaim. His passion for filmmaking was tantamount to mount everest, yet his skill was like a man-made chocolate hill. His imagination is extra-ordinary yet lacks the basics of story-telling and direction, though he was able to make a few cult films. 

Not "gay" but "cross-dresser" because when he was young his mother dresses him in women clothes, so subconsciously it became his comfort hide-away. -So don't judge the book by its cover or "Don't judge my brother because he is not a book" -Melanie Marquez haha... 

The darkness of the film is integrated through its bold and realistic characters that not only portray as support cast but a cliché reminder of how cruel the movie business can be. It's a thin line of fabulousness and fabricated self-conception, which is insanity. -like Sunset Boulevard the film- 

I like Ed Wood not because he an original failure, I like him because he tired living his dream without hurting people. I don't understand why the Gods did not hear his cry? In my thoughts maybe he is meant to make films not on earth but on other worlds, wherein films are made instant. All you need to do is to imagine and allow your Id to express it. Like the film Dreams by Robin Williams. -Not directly related but close to my description. 

Ed Wood reminds me of my undying passion for filmmaking and my love for story-telling, I hope as I start doing films again I will not hurt people. Haha... :-)

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